According to editor Leslie Wainger, there are 5 popular types of heroes in romance novels. These are:
- Alpha
- Beta
- Bad Boy
- Playboy
- Tortured
If you’re an avid romance reader, then you’ve definitely come across these types on a few occasions. They’ve all got an appeal about them, but some are more attractive than others.
Let’s take a look at the 5 types of heroes in order of preference.
5. Bad Boy
The bad-boy hero is never all bad.
He’s misunderstood or blamed for the wrongs of others. Or he isn’t a great person to start with, but the heroine soon turns that around. She reveals the good in him and makes him want to be a better person.
The dangerous and mysterious allure of this hero is hard to resist, even more so when he’s protective of the heroine. He’s the beast from Beauty and the Beast.
However, the bad-boy hero has had his time, and we’re a little tired of rewarding bad behaviour. We still like to see him from time to time, but he no longer steals the show. He’ll probably make a comeback at some point with a new angle, but for the time being, he’s fifth on this list.
4. Playboy
This hero can have any woman he wants, and boy does he know it. Every woman he sleeps with wants to be the one who changes him, the one who finally makes him fall in love.
Maybe it’s that age-old desire to obtain the unobtainable that makes this a hero we can get behind. Especially when he became a playboy because he was hurt by a woman in the past. He’s only sleeping with countless women to protect his fragile little heart.
So, why doesn’t this rank higher? Because hurting countless women is a horrible thing to do. Sure they probably knew what they were getting into because he tends to be brutally honest, but it’s still not right.
3. Beta
The beta hero is often defined through comparison to the Alpha. He’s more approachable and understanding but is every bit as masculine.
He’s probably the hero, most like the everyday man. He tends to be a family guy who can occupy any profession and can range anywhere from the neighbour next door to the nerdy student.
He’s a good guy, and we’re done with good guys finishing last. It’s a solid third place for our beloved beta heroes.
2. Tortured
Our poor tortured hero. He’s endured so much that he has erected barriers to protect himself from further pain.
According to Wainger, psychologists identify women as nurturers who like to fix people and relationships, so tortured heroes are the ultimate challenge. This applies in real life and in novels.
We love it when a heroine heals a broken man making him whole again. There’s a sense of accomplishment when she finally makes him love again when he thinks his heart is dead.
The love she awakens in him is fierce because she did the impossible even when he pushed her away. So it’s no surprise that the tortured hero places second on this list. He’ll always deserve a second chance at happiness. Get it? Second chance, second place?!
1. Alpha
As much as I’d like to say our tastes in heroes have drastically changed over the many years of romance novels, it really hasn’t. Alpha’s are still the best, most intriguing heroes!
The powerful, wealthy, handsome loner who likes to be in control is irresistible to us readers. Like the tortured hero, we’re fascinated by his desire to avoid emotions and keep the world at a distance. Falling in love with the heroine is life-changing for him because of the domino effect on the other relationships in his life.
We want our heroines to be strong, independent women, so it’s perfect when they’re paired with Alpha heroes who bring just as much to the relationship. All his attributes make him the ultimate prize for any heroine.
Whether it’s Pride and Prejudice or Fifty Shades of Grey, an Alpha hero is a great way to keep us turning the page.
There we have it, 5 popular types of heroes in romance novels ranked. What are your thoughts? Would you rank them differently? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Leslie Wainger, Writing a Romance Novel for Dummies, 2004.
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